Franz Marc Quotes
Art is nothing but the expression of our dream; the more we surrender to it the closer we get to the inner truth of things, our dream-life, the true life that scorns
questions and does not see them.”
- Franz Marc
Like everything genuine, its inner life guarantees its truth. All works of art created by truthful minds without regard for the work's conventional exterior remain
genuine for all times.”
- Franz Marc
Blue is the male principle, stern and spiritual. Yellow the female principle, gentle, cheerful and sensual. Red is matter, brutal and heavy and always the colour which
must be fought and vanquished by the other two.”
- Franz Marc
Religions die slowly.”
- Franz Marc
Serious art has been the work of individual artists whose art has had nothing to do with style because they were not in the least connected with the style or the needs of
the masses. Their work arose rather in defiance of their times.”
- Franz Marc
We are staunch and true and in rather a champagne mood.”
- Franz Marc
What appears spectral today will be natural tomorrow.”
- Franz Marc
Art is nothing but the expression of our dream.”
- Franz Marc